Announcements: Thursday, March 13... Middle School Track & Field practice officially begins on Monday (3/17). Athletes signed-up must have all of their forms completed on Final Forms in order to practice. There is a parent meeting on Tuesday (3/18) at 5pm in the cafeteria. The Shepherd Elementary PTO is once again looking for volunteers. This time for the Boys Bash, which will be tomorrow evening (3/14) at the Elementary. They are in need of volunteers for set-up, to run games, and for clean-up. We have a sign-up sheet in the MS Office for those interested in volunteering. Students who are 13 years old or older and interested in making some spending money umpiring Little Baseball or Softball games this summer a sign up is in the Middle School Office. If interested in umpiring this summer but aren't sure you're ready there are 2 free clinics being offered. This Saturday March 15th at Alma High School at 1pm and then April 12th at the Freeland Little League Complex at 6pm. Contact Mr. Harkrader ( in the Athletic Office if you have any questions. During SOAR all students will check their grades in PowerSchool and then email parents. Then students will silent read for the remainder of the class period.
about 9 hours ago, Shepherd Middle School
Thursday Announcements
Announcements: Wednesday, March 12... Middle School Track & Field practice officially begins on Monday (3/17). Athletes signed-up must have all of their forms completed on Final Forms in order to practice. There is a parent meeting on Tuesday (3/18) at 5pm in the cafeteria. The Shepherd Elementary PTO is once again looking for volunteers. This time for the Boys Bash, which will be this Friday (3/14) at the Elementary. They are in need of volunteers for set-up, to run games, and for clean-up. We have a sign-up sheet in the MS Office for those interested in volunteering. During SOAR all students will work on their Math IXL Recommended Skills
1 day ago, Shepherd Middle School
Wednesday Announcements
Announcements: Tuesday, March 11... Lunch Op for B Lunch will be in Mr. TerBurgh’s Room today. 6th-8th Graders can sign-up for Middle School Track and Field is outside Mrs. Gimmey’s room (318). Pick-up information when you sign-in. Today (3/11) is your last day to sign up. All Final Forms must be completed, including an athletic physical, before you can begin practice. First practice is on Monday, March 17, and there will be a parent meeting on March 18 at 5pm in the cafeteria. The Shepherd Elementary PTO is once again looking for volunteers. This time for the Boys Bash, which will be this Friday (3/14) at the Elementary. They are in need of volunteers for set-up, to run games, and for clean-up. We have a sign-up sheet in the MS Office for those interested in volunteering. During SOAR all students will work on their ELA IXL Recommended Skills.
2 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Tuesday Announcements
Announcements: Friday, March 7... Today (3/7) is the last day of the 2nd Trimester. . 6th-8th Graders can sign-up for Middle School Track and Field is outside Mrs. Gimmey’s room (318). Pick-up information when you sign-in. Last day to sign-up is next Friday, March 14. All Final Forms must be completed, including an athletic physical, before you can begin practice. First practice is on Monday, March 17, and there will be a parent meeting on March 18 at 5pm in the cafeteria. During SOAR today it’s Finish or Free Friday.
6 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Friday Announcements
Announcements: Thursday, March 6... Tomorrow (3/7) is the last day of the 2nd Trimester. All Schedule Change Request Forms must be submitted to Mrs. Cahoon in the Counseling Office by 3pm today (3/6). During SOAR all students are to check their grades in PowerSchool and email their parents. Then it is Silent Reading for the remainder of the class period.
7 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Thursday Announcements
Announcements: Wednesday, March 5... Friday (3/7) is the last day of the 2nd Trimester. Schedule Change Request Forms will be on the table outside the counseling office, and must be signed by a parent before being submitted and submitted by 3pm tomorrow (3/6). Not all requests can or will be approved. There will be no Art Club today. The next meeting will be March 19. 6th-8th Graders can sign-up for Middle School Track and Field is outside Mrs. Gimmey’s room (318). Pick-up information when you sign-in. All Final Forms must be completed, including an athletic physical, before you can begin practice. First practice is on Monday, March 17, and there will be a parent meeting on March 18 at 5pm in the cafeteria. Student Council is putting on a Spring Fling Activity Night this afternoon from 3:30-5:30pm in the Middle School Gym. Cost of admission is $5 and will include music, games and prizes. There will also be food and drinks, including pizza, available for purchase. During this event, all school rules and expectations still apply, including dress code, with a few exceptions. Hats may be worn, and cell phones are permitted. Once at the event, students are not allowed to leave the school and then return. Once you exit the building you are done for the evening. During SOAR today students are to work on their Math IXL Recommended Skills.
8 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Wednesday Announcements
Announcements: Monday, March 3... Friday (3/7) is the last day of the 2nd Trimester. Schedule Changes for 3rd Trimester can be made beginning today. Schedule Change Request Forms will be on the table outside the counseling office, and must be signed by a parent before being submitted. Your reason for making a request to change your schedule must be valid, and not every requests will be granted. Reason for changing ones schedule include; A mistake on your current schedule Need to switch an elective class All request must be submitted to Mrs. Cahoon in the Counseling Office by 3pm on Thursday (3/6). Student Council is putting on a Spring Fling Activity Night on Wednesday (3/5) from 3:30-5:30pm in the Middle School Gym. Cost of admission is $5 and will include music, games and prizes. There will also be food and drinks available, including pizza. Sign up for MS Track & Field is outside Mrs. Gimmey's room. 6th -8th grade students may join. Pick up information when you sign up. Students and parents will need to have final forms completed prior to the first day of practice on March 17th. This will include an athletic physical if you have not participated in a school sport this year. There will be a parent meeting on March 18th at 5:00pm in the MS/HS cafeteria. There will be no Art Club this Wednesday. The next meeting will be March 19. During SOAR all classes are to do SecondSteps Lesson 17
10 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Monday Announcements
Announcements: Friday, February 28... Next Friday, March 7th is the last day of the 2nd Trimester. Schedule Changes for 3rd Trimester can be requested beginning on next Monday (3/3). Schedule Change Request Forms will be on the table outside the counseling office, and must be signed by a parent before being submitted. This will be no Art Club this next Wednesday. The next meeting will be March 19. Little League Registration is open until Feb 28th. This include: Middle School Softball and Juniors Baseball Sign up at: During SOAR today it’s Finish or Free Friday.
13 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Friday Announcements
Announcements: Thursday, February, 27... Results of the Boys Basketball games last night versus Sacred Heart The 7th grade team won The 8th grade team lost Good luck to our 7th & 8th grade band as they travel to Bay City Western today to compete in the Districts Band Festival. All 7th & 8th grade band members will go to the band room at the beginning of 3rd hour today, as they will rehearse together, then all going to B Lunch together before loading up on the bus to head to Festival at 1pm. There is no Drumline practice after school today. Student Council is putting on a Spring Fling Activity Night on Wednesday (3/5) from 3-5pm here at the Middle School. There will be music, games and prizes during this event. Cost is $5 to get into the event and there will be snacks and drinks sold at concessions. This event is casual, not formal. Come dressed as you would during the school day. The event is a lock-in, meaning once you leave the event, you are Volunteer Opportunity: The Shepherd Elementary PTO is putting on their annual Girls Gala this Friday (2/28). Their are in need of volunteers to help during three shifts throughout that evening; (3-7pm for set-up, 7-9pm to run games, 9pm for clean-up) If you are interested in volunteering, their is a sign-up sheet in the Middle School Office Friday, March 7th is the last day of the 2nd Trimester. Schedule changes for 3rd Trimester can be requested beginning on Monday (3/3). These Schedule Change Forms will be on the table outside the counseling office, and must be signed by a parent before being submitted. Little League Registration is open until Feb 28th. This include: Middle School Softball and Juniors Baseball Sign up at: During SOAR today all students are to check their grades in PowerSchool and then email parents. Then it is Silent Reading time for the rest of the class period.
14 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Thursday Announcements
Announcements: Wednesday, February 26... Good luck to the boys basketball team as they are at home tonight, for their last game of the 2025 season, versus the Fighting Irish of Mt. Pleasant Sacred Heart Academy. First game begins at 5:00pm and tickets are $5. Concessions will be available. Friday, March 7th is the last day of the 2nd Trimester. Volunteer Opportunity: The Shepherd Elementary PTO is putting on their annual Girls Gala this Friday (2/28). They are in need of volunteers to help during three shifts throughout that evening. (3-7pm set-up, 7-9pm games & 9pm clean-up) If you are interested in volunteering, their is a sign-up sheet in the Middle School Office Schedule Changes for 3rd Trimester can be requested beginning on next Monday (3/3). Schedule change request forms will be on the table outside the counseling office. These forms must be signed by a parent before being submitted. Little League Registration is open until Feb 28th. This include: Middle School Softball and Juniors Baseball Sign up at: During SOAR today all students will be doing their Math IXL Recommended Skills
15 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Wednesday Announcements
Announcements: Tuesday, February 25... Results of the boys basketball games versus Standish-Sterling last night The 7th grade team lost The 8th grade team won The teams are at home tomorrow night versus Sacred Heart for their last game of the season. Volunteer Opportunity: The Shepherd Elementary PTO is putting on their annual Girls Gala this Friday (2/28). Their are in need of volunteers to help during three shifts throughout that evening; 3-7pm for set-up 7-9pm to run games 9pm for clean-up If you are interested in volunteering, their is a sign-up sheet in the Middle School Office Friday, March 7th is the last day of the 2nd Trimester. Schedule Changes for 3rd Trimester can be requested beginning on next Monday (3/3). Students can only request changes if there is an issue with your current schedule or you need to change an elective. Students cannot make requests for classes to be specific class periods; you get what is available. Beginning next week, schedule change request forms will be on the table outside the counseling office. These forms must be signed by a parent before being submitted. Little League Registration is open until Feb 28th. This include: Middle School Softball and Juniors Baseball Sign up at: During SOAR today all students will be doing their ELA IXL Recommended Skills
16 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Tuesday Announcements
Announcements: Monday, February 24... Good luck to the boys basketball teams as they travel to Standish-Sterling tonight to take on the Panthers. Players are dismissed at 2:45 and the bus leaves at 2:55 this afternoon. 7th & 8th grade band students will meet in the band room at the beginning of 3rd hour today, and will be with together for a Band Clinic through lunch and 5th hour today. This is in preparation for Band Festival on Thursday. Band students, remember that it will be your responsibility to get the work you will be missing from your 3rd, 4th & 5th hour teachers. Volunteer Opportunity: The Shepherd Elementary PTO is putting on their annual Girls Gala this Friday (2/28).Their are in need of volunteers to help during three shifts throughout that evening; 3-7pm for set-up 7-9pm to run games 9pm for clean-up If you are interested in volunteering, their is a sign-up sheet in the Middle School Office Friday, March 7th is the last day of the 2nd Trimester. Schedule Changes for 3rd Trimester can be requested beginning next Monday (3/3). Students can only request changes if there is an issue with your current schedule or you need to change an elective. Students cannot make requests for classes to be specific class periods; you get what is available. Beginning next week, schedule change request forms will be on the table outside the counseling office. These forms must be signed by a parent before being submitted. Little League Registration is open until Feb 28th. This include: Middle School Softball and Juniors Baseball Sign up at: During SOAR today all classes will be working on lesson 16 of SecondSteps.
17 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Monday Announcements
Announcements: Thursday, February 20... Results of the Boys Basketball games last night versus Beaverton Beavers; The 7th grade team won 41-10 The 8th grade team won 55-23 Tonight the basketball teams travel to Harrison to take on the Hornets. The bus leaves at 3:45pm. Little League Registration is open until Feb 28th. This include: Middle School Softball and Juniors Baseball Sign up at: Today during SOAR students are to check their grades in PowerSchool and then email parents. When that has been completed, there is Silent Reading for the remainder of the class period.
21 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Thursday Announcements
Announcements: Wednesday, February 19... Good Luck to the MS Boys Basketball teams as they are at home versus Beaverton. First game begins at 5:00pm and admission is $5. Concessions will be available. Art Club will meet today (2/19) after school in the High School Art Room. Art Club meets from 3 to 4pm and all students are welcome to attend. Little League Registration is open until Feb 28th. This include: Middle School Softball and Juniors Baseball Sign up at: This Friday (2/21) Student Council will be selling Pickles & Popcorn before school and during SOAR for $1 each. Due to the cold temperatures outside again today, we will not be going outside during lunch today. The Gym will also not be available during A or B lunch. That means we will be staying in the cafeteria. Today during SOAR, 6th & 8th Grade classes will work on their Math IXL, while the 7th graders will go to the MS Gym for a class meeting. 7th graders will be dismissed after announcements and attendance.
22 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Wednesday Announcements
Announcements: Tuesday, February 18... Art Club will meet tomorrow (2/19) after school in the High School Art Room. Art Club meets from 3 to 4pm and all students are welcome to attend. All those on the Cheer Team, please stop by the MS Office today, between classes or at lunch. We have a letter from your coach that you must pick up. Today during SOAR, 6th & 7th Grade classes will work on their ELA IXL, while the 8th graders will go to the MS Gym for a class meeting with me and Mr. Farley. 8th graders will be dismissed after announcements and attendance.
23 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Tuesday Announcements
Announcements: Friday, February 14... Happy Valentines Day Due to an anonymous donation from a community member all Shepherd students in grades 6-12 will be free admittance to the High School Girls Basketball home game tonight (2/14). Valentine's gifts purchased through Student Council will be delivered to students during 6th hour class today We are on a half-day schedule today with school dismissing at 11:00am There is also no school on Monday (2/17).
27 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Bluejay Valentine
Announcments: Wednesday, February 12... Good luck to the Boys Basketball Teams as they are at home tonight taking on the Eagles or Farwell. First game begins at 5:00pm and tickets are $5 each. Concessions will be available. Due to an anonymous donation from a community member all Shepherd students in grades 6-12 will receive free admittance to the High School Girls Basketball home game on this Friday (2/14). There is no Art Club today. The next after-school Art Club meeting will be next Wednesday, February 19. This week is Valentine Spirit Week and the Dress-up Days for the remainder of the week are as followed: Thursday is Twin/Squad Day Friday is Class Color Day 6th Grade is Red 7th Grade is Pink 8th Grade is White Student Council is Selling Orange Crush Pops for $1, Gorillas and Fun Dips for $5 each, or all three items for $6 which can be bought before school and during lunches. These items can be purchased for another person here at school and will be delivered to that person on Valentine’s Day. Today is the last day these items can be purchased. Today during SOAR 7th & 8th Grade students will work on their Math IXL, while the 6th grade is dismissed to the MS Gym for a grade level meeting with Mr. Wolf and Mr. Farley.
29 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Wednesday Announcements
Announcements: Tuesday, February 11... Results from the boys basketball game last night versus Gladwin; The 7th grade team ? The 8th grade team won 49-29 Saturday (2/15) is the 3rd Annual Wiffle Ball Classic, which will be taking place in the HS gym starting at 11am. Due to an anonymous donation from a community member all Shepherd students in grades 6-12 will be free admittance to the High School Boys Basketball home game tonight (2/11) and the High School Girls Basketball home game on this Friday (2/14). Come on out and support both teams for their Senior Night!! There is no Art Club this week. The next after-school Art Club meeting will be next Wednesday, February 19. This week is Valentine Spirit Week and the Dress-up Days for the remainder of the week are as followed: Wednesday is Wacky Wednesday/Mismatch Day Thursday is Twin/Squad Day Friday is Class Color Day 6th Grade is Red 7th Grade is Pink 8th Grade is White Moving forward, breakfast in the cafeteria will have 2 servicing lines opened and students will be required to enter their students number when checking out at the register. Student Council is Selling Orange Crush Pops for $1, Gorillas stuffed animals with Fun Dips candy for $5, which can be bought before school and during lunches. These items can be purchased for another person here at school and will be delivered to that person on Valentine’s Day. Tomorrow is the last day to purchase these items. Reminder to students to take your Chromebooks home and charge them. If you no longer have a working charger cord, they can be purchased in the Media Center. Just another reminder to students going to Art and Shop classes, you must use the exterior doors by the Middle School Office when coming and going to the Shop building. Today during SOAR all students are to work on their ELA IXL
about 1 month ago, Shepherd Middle School
Tuesday Announcements
Announcements: Monday, February 10... Good Luck to the Boys Basketball teams as they travel to Gladwin to take on the Flying G’s. Players are dismissed at 2:45pm and the bus leaves at 2:55pm. On Saturday February 15th the 3rd Annual Wiffle Ball Classic will be taking place in the HS gym starting at 11am. Please sign up in the office. For more information email Mr. Loonsfoot ( The Shepherd Equestrian Team is having an information meeting / Pre-sign up Meeting Sunday, February 23rd @ 6:30pm at the Coe Township Hall, in Shepherd. Anyone interested in participating on the 2025 Junior team (5th grade thru 8th grade) or Senior team (9th thru 12th). Please plan on attending this meeting. Contact Melanie Brune or Monica Seeburger with questions. Chromebooks must be taken home and charged every evening. Students’ Chromebooks that are dead will be directed to the Media Center for a loaner device, where we can monitor and track students that this is a recurring issue. If you have lost or broken your Chromebook charger, we charger cords can be purchased at the Media Center for $25. This week is Valentine Spirit Week and the Dress-up Days for the remainder of the week are as followed: Tuesday is Student/Teacher Swap Day Wednesday is Wacky Wednesday/Mismatch Day Thursday is Twin/Squad Day Friday is Class Color Day 6th Grade is Red 7th Grade is Pink 8th Grade is White Student Council is Selling Orange Crush Pops for $1, Gorillas and Fun Dips for $5 each, or all three items for $6 which can be bought before school and during lunches. These items can be purchased for another person here at school and will be delivered to that person on Valentine’s Day For students that go across the parking lot to Art and Industrial Arts with Mr. Maatman or Mr. Russell, you are to only use the exterior door by the MS office to enter and exit the building from. Do not use the doors by the counseling office when coming or going from the art and shop building. Students caught using the wrong doors may be issued a lunch detention. Today during SOAR all classes will be doing SecondSteps lesson 15
about 1 month ago, Shepherd Middle School
Monday Announcements
Valetine Spirit Week Dress-up Days: February 10-14
about 1 month ago, Shepherd Middle School
Valetine Spirit Week 2025