Welcome to Shepherd Public Schools
Welcome to Shepherd Public Schools
Fun Facts
School of Choice
Children who enroll with an address located on the west side of Isabella Rd, will attend Winn Elementary. Children who enroll with an address located on the east side of Isabella Rd, will attend Shepherd Elementary. When applying for a school of choice seat, you are applying to attend Shepherd Public Schools. Your child will be assigned to the building dictated by your address.
One to One Tech
Every student in our district is supplied with a Chromebook.
Dual Enrollment
13 college courses taught on our campus in the Laidley Building
Career Tech
21 different programs as well as Certifications offered at the MP and Alma campuses
Early College
Students can earn an Associates Degree while still in High School.
Class B School
Approximately 1.800 students K-12 with 120 certified Staff.
Competitive Fine Art
Choir, Drama/Theater, Band