If You See or Hear Something, Say Something
School Safety is Very Important to us Here at Shepherd Public Schools

On-Campus Reunification
Depending on the situation, a reunification may occur at the school. This is an option if the campus is safe and reunification operations will not interfere with an investigation or other emergency responses.
Off-Campus Reunification
If it is not safe to remain on campus or when parents coming to the school could create an additional hazard, reunification operations will be set up off-campus. All Shepherd Public School location have designated evacuation and reunification sites that building administrators and staff are familiar with. In the event of an off-campus reunification operation, parents/guardians will be notified via Power School message, email and phone call, the location of the reunification site. Notifications may also be made via Shepherd Public School District and/or school specific social media accounts.
Parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to follow the notifications sent to them or posted on social media. Please do not respond to the school. The arrival of parents/guardians on campus may hamper the efforts of first responders and hinder reunification efforts.