Non Discrimination Statement
The Board of Education of the Shepherd Public School District (hereinafter referred to as “the Board” or “the District”) does not discriminate on the basis of sex (including sexual orientation or gender identity), in its education programs or activities, and is required by Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, and its implementing regulations, not to discriminate in such a manner. The requirement not to discriminate in its education program or activity extends to admission and employment. The Board is committed to maintaining an education and work environment that is free from discrimination based on sex, including sexual harassment.
SPS Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form
The Board designates the following individuals to serve as “Compliance Officers/Title IX Coordinators” for the district.
Title IX Coordinators/Compliance Officer: Male
Carl Seiter, Director of Business Services
(989) 828-5520, carl.seiter@shepherdschools.net
Title IX Coordinators/Compliance Officer: Female
Kelli Ingram, Payroll/Human Resources
(989) 828-5520, kingram@shepherdschools.net
Title IX Decision Maker
Carrie Gauthier, Superintendent
(989)828-5520, cgauthier@shepherdschools.net
Appeals Officer
Laurie Richards, Winn Principal
(989) 866-2250, lrichards@shepherdschools.net
Shepherd Title IX Policy located : HERE
Carl Seiter – Thrun Law Firm Title IX K-12 Comprehensive Title IX Training 8/15/23
Kelli Ingram -- Thrun Law Firm Title IX K-12 Comprehensive Title IX Training 8/15/23
Laurie Richards – Thrun Law Firm Title IX K-12 Comprehensive Title IX training 11/30/21
Carrie Gauthier - Thrun Law Firm Title IX K-12 Comprehensive Training 2020 Regulations Certificate
All Staff – Vector Solutions Title IX Compliance Overview