Helpful Information
School Profile
Shepherd Public Schools is a Class B school district located in a rural setting, serving students for 110 square miles, including the villages of Winn and Oil City.
Our Community
The community includes Hispanic, Native American, and Black ethnic groups; the population is predominantly Caucasian.
Our Schools
The school district includes two elementary schools (grades K-5), a middle school, a high school, and an alternative middle/high school. The district also offers community education programs.
Annual Education Reports
If you would like to explore all the opportunities Shepherd Public Schools has to offer please take time to look through our Annual Education Reports.
School of Choice
**The 1st application window is May 15, 2024, with a deadline of 4:00 p.m. on June 13, 2024.** The application link will not be visible to the public until May 13, 2024. Once available you will find it located under Schools of Choice.
Schools of Choice offers 3 windows every year to apply. The first window is roughly in the middle of May and runs through the middle of June, this is the most popular, and when the most available seats are filled. The second window is for two weeks for any unfilled seats and starts in early August. For these two windows, students must be enrolled in classes by the end of the first week of school.
For second-semester/trimester applications, this window is for two weeks and typically starts the first week of November. Students must be enrolled in classes by the end of the first week of school in the second semester or trimester.
Any questions feel free to call Holly at 989.828.5520.
For More Information
If you would like more information or would like to speak with a school representative please visit our contact page.
Please use the link below to get your student(s) enrolled here at Shepherd Public Schools.
FinalForms Enrollment (2025-2026)
Enrollment (2024-2025)
Please complete the form below and return to school if your child is in Kindergarten, 7th grade, or if you are enrolling in our district for the first time. Please call our office if you have questions or need assistance with this form. If your student is new