Advisor: Tyler Lentovich
Purpose: To provide students (especially those enrolled in art classes) the chance to pursue enrichment normally not offered during the school day.
Participation Requirements: Grade Level 9-12, Regular monthly meetings, Must be passing classes
Major Activities: Fall - Trip to museum, Several visits to art sites in the county, Workshops after school, Providing Creative Assistance to Local Businesses
Portfolio Documentation: Certificate
BAND (Marching)
Advisor: Marisa Romano
Advisor: Mrs. Grim
Advisor: Ryan Huber
Advisors: Mrs. Antcliff
Purpose: To provide students the opportunity for the development of leadership skills, personal and professional growth, and career-related competencies.
Participation Requirements: Grade level 9-12, Must be enrolled in a business class, Membership dues
Major Activities: Fall Leadership Conference for Officers - Oct., Regional Competition - late Jan. (Sat.), State Competition - early March (Thurs.-Sun.), National Competition - late April, Fundraising Activities
Portfolio Documentation: Chapter Certificates and any Regional, State or National Certificates
Advisor: ?
Purpose: Increase team-building skills, choral skills, advances music skills, job preparation, and interview skills.
Participation Requirements: Spring auditions (before registration), Grade level 9-12, Performance activities outside of class and weekends required
Major Activities: Fundraiser (beginning in October), Public concerts throughout school year, High School Graduation
Portfolio Documentation: Certificate, Section Leaders, Most Outstanding
Advisors for 2022: Jennifer Kuester and Heather Wolf
Advisors for 2023: Mandy Moegenborg and Julie Sickles
Advisors for 2024: Kristi Pifer and Shari Myers
Advisors for 2025: Tracie Lentz
Purpose: To give interested students a chance to help make decisions regarding their class.
Participation Requirements: Obtain a ballot and run for office - President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Class Representative, Elected by fellow classmates, Duties vary from year to year
Major Activities: Freshman: Fall and Winter Concessions, Fund Raising, Homecoming Activities Sophomore: Fall and Winter Concessions, Fund Raising, Homecoming Activities Junior: Fall and Winter Concessions, Fund Raising, Homecoming Activities, Prom, Senior Banquet, Graduation Ceremony Senior: Fall and Winter Concessions, Homecoming Activities, Seniorama, Graduation
Portfolio Documentation: Certificate for participation and pin
Advisor: Christine McCarthy
Purpose: To Provide H.S. students the opportunity to learn about and participate in all aspects of the theatre as well as fine tune their appreciation of the other fine arts disciplines.
Participation Requirements: Thursday meetings, Grade level 9-12, Dues $1.00, Executive Board: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, two Historians
Major Activities: Monthly club activities, Play presentation each semester Spring Banquet, Middle Sch. and Elem. Fine Art Prog., Tech Crew Supports Syrup Festival Pageant/Talent Show
Portfolio Documentation: Letter of Participation, Pin, Star Year
Advisor: Jerry Butchkowski
Participation Requirements: Must be passing 4 out of 5 classes.
GSA (Gay Straight Alliance)
Advisors: Sam Turner and Alaina Sunken
Advisor: Owen Russell
Purpose: To provide students with mechanical skills & interest in industry an organization that meets their abilities.
Participation Requirements: No dues, Grade level 9-12
Attendance requirements: Attend meetings during homeroom and attend field trips, Serve on an Activity Committee
Major Activities: Fall & Spring Field Trip to Industrial Setting, A "Fun" Trip in the Spring, Community support activities, Fundraiser to support Scholarship & Activities, Scholarship Search Committee
Portfolio Documentation: Certificate for Participation
Advisor: Mrs. Grim
Purpose: To practice writing skills in a competitive environment.
Participation Requirements: Anyone is welcome to join; a proficiency in writing is preferred Must attend practice sessions
Major Activities: Three Competitions in the fall, two of which are during school hours
Portfolio Documentation: Certificate; Possibility of Earning League Honors
Advisors: Mr. Davis
Purpose: To expand students understanding of S.T.E.A.M and to have fun. S.T.E.A.M stands for Science -Technology - Engineering - Arts - Mathematics
Participation Requirements: Students should be in 9th-12th grade with the desire to learn new skills and participate in a team environment. Coding, mechanical understanding, electrical knowledge, and Computer Aided Design are all useful skills.
Major Activities: Build a robot to complete tasks in a competition (First Robotics Competition). There are at least two competitions during the season, performance decides if you advance to other competitions.
Portfolio Documentation:
Advisor: Rick Cahoon
Purpose: To promote the general interest and welfare of the Shepherd High School science program through the cooperative efforts of the students and faculty.
Participation Requirements: Members must have passed Freshman Science Course, Membership open to Sophomores through Seniors, Must be taking or have passed Sophomore Science Course
Major Activities: Concession Stands for Freshman Football Games, Recycling for High School Classrooms, Biology Committee's annual spring trip to N. Michigan, Publication Committee publishes Club Newsletter, Sponsors Science Honor Society
Portfolio Documentation: Certificate, Pin
Advisor: Ms. Chaney and Ms. Nartker
Purpose: To Promote the general interests and welfare of SHS through the cooperative efforts of faculty and students.
Participation Requirements: Five representatives, Elected by each class, Officers elected by student body, Less than three absences (at meetings), Must be a good students "C" Average, Must have satisfactory citizenship
Major Activities: Homecoming - Oct., Christmas Project - Dec., Pride Week - Feb./March, Blood Drive - May, Many, Many, Minor Activities
Portfolio Documentation: Certificate
Advisor: ?
Advisor: TBD
Purpose: To develop activities and awareness to both improve the "atmosphere" of the school and promote the importance of community involvement.
Participation Requirements: Second semester freshman through seniors are welcome to help improve the school and the community
Major Activities: Make a Difference Day - Fall, Thanksgiving Cards for Elderly, Penny Pile-Up - December, Valentines for Vets & Valentines for Elderly - February, Have a Heart - February, Pot of Gold Food Drive - March, Helping with Maple Syrup Festival - April, Mentoring/Tutoring - All Year, Other Activities (Cancer Walk, Volunteering at CMCH), Oscars Night
Portfolio Documentation: Award, Certificate