As preparations continue at the Morey Education Center to make it the new home for Winn Elementary, we were faced with the challenge of what to do with some of the remaining outdated technology. Over the years the technology department has worked to recycle as much as we can but items like televisions and other older electronics have become harder to deal with. Bryan Dickman, our Technology Specialist, has been leading our recycling efforts since joining the department. With some serious leg work and having attended and worked at Central Michigan University, he was able to coordinate with Don Long, CMU's Recycling Coordinator, to allow us to recycle all of the old technology from the new building.
Over two days, Bryan Dickman, Sayer Updegraff, and Corey Grim emptied the building, and with the help of Don and his student employees, offloaded all the recycling at the CMU recycling center.
Shepherd Schools would like to thank Central Michigan University and Don Long for aiding the district in our efforts to properly recycle the technology.
From left to right: Corey Grim, Bryan Dickman, Sayer Updegraff
The truck and trailer are loaded and ready to go off to recycling.