Dear Shepherd School Community,
Greetings. The district continues with ongoing evaluation of the magnitude of COVID-19 in our school community.
Due to overall staffing needs - regarding teaching and support staff - the decision has been made to remain in distance learning for Shepherd Middle and Shepherd High School for the remainder of this week; October 18 - 22. Teachers are providing instruction via google (™) meets and other methods while students are checking into their class schedules for assignments and learning objectives. All in-person instruction in these two buildings will start back up Monday, October 25th.
Odyssey Middle/High School, Shepherd Elementary, and Winn Elementary will remain open to in-person instruction for the remainder of this week. Masking is required in all buildings due to the level of positivity.
Although the Board of Education and staff of Shepherd Public Schools desire first and foremost in-person instruction, due to required quarantining and positivity rates we currently do not have the staff to do so. An ongoing challenge in this regard is related to the lack of substitute teachers and substitute support staff.
Due to the need for distance learning being based on staff, athletics remain open and available to students.
Thank you for your attention to this message and please let the central office know if you have any questions.